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“Baile Flamenco” a DVD review

Thank you to Flamenco de la Isla Society member Greg Skala for submitting a review of the DVD “Baile Flamenco”!

Applications closed

On-line performer applications for the 2015 Victoria Flamenco Festival are now closed. Thank you to all who applied. We had a record number of applications.

Find us on Facebook

Due to Facebook’s new rules, there are 3 steps you can take to help make sure you still see updates from us through your Facebook profile. (Our posts will no longer appear in your regular news feed if you do not take these three steps.)

Flamenco Festival

This year’s Victoria Flamenco Festival will be August 10-16, 2015.

Coordinator needed!

The Flamenco de la Isla Society is looking for a professional, energetic individual to help plan and deliver the third annual Victoria Flamenco Festival. Full details are available for download below. The deadline for application is February 1, 2015.

New Events!

Several new listings have been added to our Events Page. Remember to check back frequently for news and updates.

Flamenco Word Search

Download your very own Flamenco Word Search Puzzle!