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Thank you!

Thank you to all the artists who took part on our Showcase & Fundraiser last Sunday!Gareth Owen, Denise Yeo, Juan de Marias, Veronica Maguire, Estelle… Read More »Thank you!

New Look!

How do you like our new website?  Please check out our new look and let us know what you think. Are there additional flamenco resources… Read More »New Look!

Learn Flamenco!

Lessons and classes on Vancouver Island: Alma de España – Dance company and school Flamenco Dance in Nanaimo B.C. – Dance classes Gareth Owen Flamenco Guitarist – Guitar… Read More »Learn Flamenco!

Local flamenco student Iminah Kani shares her gratitude

Flamenco wasn’t subtle when it entered your life, was it? When you first heard a siguiryas, it struck you to the core. When you wore your first dance shoes as you started out, you showed something of yourself no one had ever seen before.

Tell us what you think!

This very short survey will help us to know what you might enjoy in a virtual festival format.

Health & Safety Update

The health and safety of our members, performers, and audience are of top priority! The Flamenco de la Isla Society has made the difficult decision, given the current COVID-19 situation, to suspend all indoor events at this time.