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Highlights from the year just passed

2014 was a busy year for flamenco on Vancouver Island!  Flamenco is currently thriving in several communities on our island (Victoria, Nanaimo, Courtenay, Tofino, and Ucluelet), with lessons and shows offered by a verity of artists.  Below are a sample of what took place in our greater flamenco community.*

Some flamenco highlights of 2014 include:

January: Victoria based group “Rueda” performed at Hermann’s Jazz Club.

February:  A call for performers went out to anyone interested in participating in the 2014 Victoria Flamenco Festival.

March: Applications for our 2014 Festival Coordinator were reviewed and the Festival team was hired.

April: We hosted a successful Tablao at the Church of Truth!

May: Applications were accepted for our annual scholarship.  Congratulations to Sarah Phillips, this year’s winner!

June: Year-end shows took place for flamenco students at several dance schools in the Victoria area.

July:  “Pasajes” the personal story of Alma de España’s artistic director Veronica Maguire took place at the Royal Theatre in Victoria and included local and international artists.  Click here to revisit “Pasajes”.

August: The 2nd annual Victoria Flamenco Festival thrilled crowds with lots of free outdoor shows, evening ticketed events, and workshops.  Click here to see photos.

September:  A new Board of Directors was voted in.

October: Fun flamenco activities added to our website!

November: The Society hosted “Flamenco Hoy”, a fundraiser at the Berwick Royal Oak Theatre.

December: Looking ahead to next year!  Please be sure to send us any flamenco announcements, suggestions, or requests.  We look forward to sharing flamenco with you in 2015!

*Note: not all events listed were linked to the Flamenco de la Isla Society.  We invite and encourage anyone with flamenco events or information relating to Vancouver Island to submit their info to our Society.