New and Annual Membership Renewals
The Flamenco de la Isla Society is excited to introduce a new inclusive sliding-scale membership fee of $0 to $20. Pay what you can – you are welcome to join at $0. Your contribution may be your presence, time, or finances—all are equally valuable. If you can pay the full amount of $20, please consider how your contribution pays it forward, allowing us to make flamenco accessible to all. Please read below to understand the Society’s new Membership structure.
As a Society our mandate is to stimulate and encourage flamenco on the island. The Society exists for the benefit of our community and making flamenco accessible for everyone. The Society nurtures flamenco by administering scholarships, running fundraisers, applying for grants to produce shows/workshops and offering accessible tickets to both independent and Society shows. The Society promotes the growth of artists in our community by producing shows, and by providing advertising, and financial support to independently produced flamenco shows.
By signing up or renewing your annual membership, you agree with these values and support our mission. The Society thrives on your energy and love for this art, and our new inclusive sliding-scale membership welcomes all participants, regardless of their current economic reality. You will automatically be added to our email list, which will include announcements about special/general meetings, events, scholarships, performances, and other Society business.
Click Here to Enroll or Renew your Annual Membership
Lifetime and Family Memberships
The Society no longer offers lifetime or family memberships. However, we do honour existing lifetime memberships that have helped contribute to the foundation of the Society. Lifetime members will always have voting rights, and access to any scholarships or discounts. You will also receive emails related to Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings.
If you would like to receive additional communications about events, scholarships, performances, and other Society business, we ask that you re-activate your membership (at no cost) on an annual basis. Re-activating your membership will help the Society to best serve its current membership. To re-activate your membership, please click here and complete the membership form.
To learn more about the Society’s Inclusivity, Equity, and Justice Focused Membership/Pricing Policy, click here.
Enjoy the benefits of being a member of Flamenco de la Isla Society while supporting the Society in further developing the art of Flamenco on Vancouver Island.
Single Membership $20.00
Family Membership $40.00
To become a new member of the Flamenco de la Isla Society or to renew your existing membership, use this on-line form. Next, e-transfer your payment to: or mail your cheque payment to:
Flamenco de la Isla Society,
Attention: Memberships
2568 Vancouver St.,
Victoria BC, Canada V8T 4A7
For information, please contact
*Memberships expire December 31st.